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Where there's Smoke (The Devil's Apostles MC #1) Page 2
Where there's Smoke (The Devil's Apostles MC #1) Read online
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“Yeah Smoke, I got it. Just sip on this.” Knuckles handed him a bottle of mescal to numb him up so when he dug around for the bullet it would hurt less.
Smoke took two long pulls off of the bottle and set it on the tile floor near his feet. Knowing this was going to hurt regardless, he chose to not be drunk in case she needed him. He knew he could have pulled a few more swallows before it hit him, but like earlier in the night, he wanted to keep his wits.
“Phones ringing Prez, want me to grab it?” Krispy asked Smoke. It wasn’t Smokes phone but it was in his cut. The ringing phone belonged to Peyton. He reached for his vest, grabbing her iPhone and answered it.
“Yeah.” It took a minute for the silence to become a maniacal laugh on the other end. He knew exactly who was calling.
“Smoke McAllister, finally I get the elusive President. Got a thing for my daughter do you?”
Smoke was ignited at this attitude towards Peyton. How could a man treat his daughter like that?
“What the fuck is wrong with you?! You almost killed her! Jesus Christ man, you want me come get me, do it! But leave Peyton alone!”
The laughter continued and at that point Smoke knew just how screwed up Skinny Mathews was. He had even less morals than the Devil’s, but the club protected their families fiercely, unlike this crazy son of a bitch who intentionally put his daughter in harm’s way.
“Peyton belongs to me now, so if you want her you’re gonna need to go through all of us. My advice to you is let this one pass, I don’t want a war but that doesn’t fucking mean I won't fight one with you to my last breath! She’s mine mother fucker and I protect what’s mine!”
The only sounds heard through the phone were the maniacal laughter before Smoke heard the line go dead. He had a bad feeling the war had just started.
“Smoke, who is her dad? We should know who were going to war with.” Slinger asked him with an overly concerned look. Slinger was the club tattoo artist and one of Smokes best friends.
“Skinny Mathews is Peyton’s father. He’s the one who was looking for Intel on us. She got caught in the middle and I’ll be god damned if she gets killed on my watch. I said she’s mine and I meant it, anyone with a problem needs to speak now.”
Not one of them would challenge him, he knew that, but a good leader always gave his followers an opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns. Smoke was a great President and an even better friend. Even the old timers liked his leadership and that was saying something. Most of these men rode with his pops and were loyal to the club until death. Going up against Skinny could be the worst decision Smoke had ever made; but to keep Peyton safe he would do just about anything, even if she didn’t want to stay forever. He needed to see her, to see she was ok, she had to live.
Smoke walked into his bedroom as Bones was finishing her last few stitches, looking at her tore at his heart. Peyton was so bruised and swollen it pushed him over the brink of fury.
“What’s the verdict Bones? How bad is she?” Smoke wasn’t sure he wanted the answer after seeing how messed up she was, but he had to know. He was going to fight for her with everything he had.
“She’s a fighter Prez, you found a damn good woman. It’s gonna take a few days but she’ll be fine. Just a few gashes but that’s the worst of it. I need a cig, stay with her a while if you want, she was asking about you.” Smoke sat in his old chair next to the bed watching her as she slept. He prayed when she did wake that she would want to stay; not bolt because he was at fault for her injuries. Smoke knew deep down had he not asked her to ride with him this would have never happened. He was considering something to numb his heart when she spoke.
“Smoke, what happened? I hurt all over.” Her eyes were still shut but she was reaching out for him, so he took her hand. It was so tiny compared to his, and soft with a fresh manicure, not all calloused up like his. Smoke was imagining what it would feel like to have those petite hands on his body, how it would feel to have her grab his dick and stroke him until he exploded coating her in his warm seed.
Damn he needed to stop. He was rock hard again and there was no way anything was happening tonight. Smoke would handle himself later, but for now he needed to concentrate on Peyton.
“There was an explosion sweetness, the rental car blew up and you got hurt. I got you Peyton; he won’t ever hurt you again. Can you forgive me? This is my fault, Skinny did this because of me and damn baby I’m sorry!”
Peyton opened her eyes to see Smoke tearing up. This wasn’t his fault and he needed to know, but seeing how emotional he was got to her in a way no man ever had. She was certain not one of his brothers had ever seen this side of Smoke McAllister. She needed to sit up so they could talk but when she tried it hurt way too bad and she needed help. Smoke helped her to sit up so they could have this discussion properly.
“Smoke you didn’t do this, my dad did. None of this is your fault, look at me Smoke McAllister and listen good. I went with you of my own free will and nothing that happened was because of you. My dad is really screwed up, this is his fault not yours. So are we good? And I swear I heard you say she’s mine, were you talking about me?”
He had been talking about her; she had to know how attracted he was to her, how crazy he was about her already. Smoke had all but said he loved her, and that thought scared him more than dying.
The last woman he loved tore his soul out when she left. To let himself feel the way he did for Peyton was nothing less than terrifying.
“Yeah, I said it and I meant it. There’s nobody in this world I want more than you Peyton. All I want to do is protect you from that fucking maniac you call a father. He didn’t even care you got hurt, fuck Peyton baby I hope you can forgive me for what’s about to happen.”
She had no idea what he was talking about but from the sounds of things it wasn’t good and that did frightened her. Smoke was a dangerous man with dangerous friends. Peyton knew he wouldn’t hurt her in any way, it was in his eyes. The way those soft honey brown globes looked at her said it all. Smoke cared for her and he wanted her safe. She had a feeling, deep in the pit of her stomach he was gonna go after her dad for what he had done. Funniest part was Peyton really didn’t care what happened to Skinny Mathews after the shit he had pulled blowing up her car and almost killing her.
“If you’re going after Skinny, I want in on it. That asshole tried to kill me! And for what, taking a ride with you? No Smoke, there will never be anything to forgive. I know how all this works and you do what you think you need to. And am I really yours Smoke? That’s kinda fast but I think I like that whole idea.”
Smoke was almost dizzy after hearing her say she liked the idea of being his. Peyton had no idea the effect she had on him and he wasn’t quite ready to bare his soul. Maybe just a few bits of truth so she understood what kind of man he was.
“I’m not a good man sweetness. I’ve done some seriously shitty things in my life but I swear to you I’ll never hurt you. Damn Peyton you’re so far under my skin it’s fucking terrifying. It’s been a long time since I let a woman get close. The last one was over ten years ago and she walked out on me. It almost killed me. I promise to let you in, but not all at once. Do you understand?”
She did understand, Smoke had been hurt and he was protecting his heart from any more pain. What he didn’t get was that she was already falling and couldn’t hurt him. He’d understand soon enough. Maybe what she needed to do was ask him questions and tell him things about her, private things so he wouldn’t be so afraid.
“Why do they call you Smoke? I know everyone in a club gets a nickname but why Smoke?”
He smiled, remembering the day he got his name. Pops had given it to him as a joke and it stuck. “My pops gave it to me, I always had a cigarette hanging out of my mouth, always smoking and it became a joke that stuck.”
She nodded, deciding what to ask him next, but Peyton realized she hadn’t seen him light up since they met.
“I haven’t seen you smoke once
all night. It’s ok if you want to, I don’t mind, and what’s your real name?”
Smoke hadn’t even thought about lighting up all night, his mind was on Peyton and her injuries. Maybe he was a better man than he thought.
“I quit again for the fiftieth time,” he laughed a small laugh. He had quit so many times it was even funny to him. The part that was even funnier was he didn’t want one even after all the chaos of the night.
“I figured I have enough bad habits, I should try to give up something. Some of the guys like to dabble in chemicals, I gave up the hard ones a while ago, and I still like a joint now and then but no more hard core dope. My name is Nero, but I haven’t heard it spoken aloud in fifteen years. Mom died when I was small and pops has called me Smoke since I was a teenager, I’m not sure if I’d even answer if someone said it.”
Peyton loved the name and somehow Nero fit him. It was a strong name with substance. “I love Nero; I know you are Smoke when the guys are around, but would it be ok if you were Nero when it’s just us?”
He nodded; surprised at how at ease she was in his world. Skinny wasn’t a biker, he was more like a low level gangster and the rules were different. They didn’t take on nicknames as a rule, and didn’t value family the way the club did. They didn’t do anything like an MC does. Smoke and the younger members cherished their women, the old timers still liked to share but that was a tradition that was dying off and Smoke was glad. No man would ever touch his woman, never see her the way he would when they were intimate. Her body was for his eyes only and he’d make damn sure it stayed that way.
“Come here sweetness, let me just hold you for a while until you fall asleep.” He lay next to her holding her as tight as he could without hurting her, realizing how close he came to losing her tonight and he’d just found her. Peyton was fast becoming his everything and he’d fight tooth and nail to keep her safe, to make her his in every way.
It didn’t take long for her to drift off, Bones had given her some pain meds and they did the trick; easing her pain and helping her to rest. Smoke went in search of the brothers figuring they had gone to the clubhouse to give him some privacy. He sent a text saying “church” to Knuckles. Church was a club meeting, one where business was discussed and you wouldn’t be present if you weren’t a patched brother, unless the club had something special for a Prospect to hear.
This meet was about Peyton and Skinny. Smoke had to get everything he could on that rat bastard and keep her safe at the same time. Once she felt better they needed to travel. His pops had a cabin in the mountains. It was one of the hideouts they had used in the past. No one outside the club knew it existed. It was still in his mom’s maiden name for a good reason. He and Peyton would use it until Skinny was no more.
Smoke grabbed a pack of cigarettes and lit up, ‘so much for quitting’ he thought. With a beer in hand he walked back to the clubhouse taking several long draws on his cigarette. It was less than five minutes and all ten brothers were present around the table that served as their meeting place. Once the doors were closed, Smoke began.
“Ok guys, you all know why I called church. I need all the info you can gather on that sorry son of a bitch. Everything, turn over every rock, dig up anything on him we can use, nothing is insignificant.
“I gotta protect her, that woman is exactly what I’ve been looking for my whole life and if that makes me soft or some kind of a pussy, so be it! I took a fucking bullet for her tonight and I’d do it again. Understand?”
No words were spoken for a number of minutes, each man letting the words of his Prez sink in. Then Bones spoke up. “I’m with you, I always will be. Man if she’s your one I’ll die to protect her for you. What you’re feeling, damn Smoke we all want that. The heart stopping kind of love. Ride or die Prez!” The two men embraced but just briefly. Then the handshakes started, all of them understood the severity of the situation and like Bones, they would stand with their President to the end.
Getting the Skinny on Skinny
As promised, the brothers went hard digging up anything they thought was pertinent to the situation with their Prez and his girl. They had amassed boxes full of paperwork and photos in the days since the attempt on Peyton. Bones kept a close eye on her injuries to be sure no infection set in. Sepsis was a concern with all the open wounds she had. Peyton was a trooper, not missing any doses of her antibiotics, even when Smoke had her away from the clubhouse. Today he took her to the field to teach her how to ride.
“Damnit Smoke I can’t do this!” Peyton shouted from the dirt as she dumped his old soft tail for the twentieth time. He stood watching, trying his best not to laugh but it wasn’t working. He lost it and out came that deep, full laughter. He knew by the look on her face she was gonna throw something at him but he just couldn’t help it. She was so damn beautiful, especially when mad.
“I’m sorry sweetness,” he choked out in between fits of laughter, “You’re damn sexy when you’re mad, and I have half a mind to throw you down in this field and take you the way a man does when he has a woman like you.”
Peyton just shook her head, the thought of sex with Smoke was one she’d had since the moment she met him, but here in this field? They hadn’t yet and she assumed it was because she was still hurt, he was afraid to hurt her even more. She hoped soon he would make her his, when they could come together as one. Peyton wondered if he was as rough as his kisses. She’d only had two lovers and neither one of them had done anything for her. A man like Smoke would take her to the moon, and she wanted him fiercely.
“You wanna get naked Nero McAllister, here in this field with me? Show me how a real man loves his woman?” Peyton pulled her shirt over her head exposing a see through pink lace bra that accentuated the fact her nipples were hard and begging to be sucked on. This particular bra had a front clasp so when she freed her D cup breasts Smoke almost fell to his knees.
“Your turn Nero, what’s under that shirt? And do you like what you see?” Smoke loved what he saw, taking a nipple in his mouth, lapping it, nipping the pink center gently with his teeth. His free hand was pinching the other and massaging. He needed to see more of her, to touch every juicy inch of his woman and put his dick in her hands, to see if the reality matched his fantasy of her making him cum. Peyton’s hands wandered as he was on her nipples, finding the enormous bulge in his jeans, stroking him through the denim and drawing whimpers and moans from him.
She popped the button on his jeans freeing his dick so she could get her hands on him. He was so thick she couldn’t close her hand around him. Peyton dropped to her knees to taste the moisture she felt on her fingers, taking him deep. He tasted like he smelled, musky and masculine and it was addictive. She could do this for hours, the deeper she took him the louder he became and that too was addictive. He had a fistful of her hair guiding her at the pace he wanted, a slow rhythm that told her he wasn’t as rough as he wanted everyone to think. When his legs started shaking he pulled her to his mouth and gave her one of those demanding kisses, with his tongue demanding entrance and she would never deny him anything.
Smoke stripped her down bare, then laying her on his shirt in the field he began to explore Peyton starting at her neck and kissing every inch of her before settling between her legs. She was perfection, shaved bare and it had to be for him, she was perfectly smooth, as if it was done this morning. He licked up her slit once, drawing a gasp from her so he licked again and got the same reaction. He pushed two fingers into her and started that same rhythm he’d shown her to use on him. His tongue found her swollen clit and feasted on its beauty like she was his last meal, coaxing the sexiest sounds from her.
Peyton was sure she had died and gone to heaven, nothing of this world could feel this good. Every touch, every swipe of his tongue sent her further and further towards oblivion. She could feel every nerve burning within her, and she knew how close she was. Smoke knew it too, he felt her body trembling, heard her rapid breathing. When she drew blood, digging into his shoulde
rs, he knew he had her. The dam broke, Peyton’s orgasm crashing through her like a tidal wave bringing one aftershock after another while she screamed his name.
Smoke climbed up her body, wiping her from his face so he could kiss her again, He needed to be inside her like he never needed anything in his life and he didn’t even care about a condom. Peyton was his and if they made a baby in this field so be it. When he pushed himself in her Smoke heard her gasp, she was small and he forgot about his size. He stayed still for just a moment letting her body accommodate his and reveling in the feel of her. Peyton was perfection in every way and Smoke at that moment understood what real love was. He started a slow rhythm, a gentle thrust, but before long she was silently asking for more and he’d gladly give her whatever she wanted. Peyton pushed him to be rough, raw, to be her bad man and that’s exactly what he did, bodies slamming together, sweat rolling off of them. The sounds from her had Smoke so close to the edge he almost couldn’t hold off. He was fighting his body to keep his orgasm at bay and losing miserably. When Peyton started to arch her back he knew she was on the verge, and at the moment hers hit, screaming his name, Smoke lost it. He shot deep within her, grunting as his body went rigid. Smoke held her tight, staying joined until he heard voices coming his way.
“Damn guys, naked here! Gimme a few to dress her.” Smoke didn’t give two shits I’d hey saw him, he’d been naked in front of them before, but nobody was seeing her undressed.
Bones and Slinger didn’t want to interrupt their Prez, but with new information coming to light, they felt they had no choice. Knowing Smoke would want to know they went out behind Smokes place where they knew he would be.
“Sorry boss,” Slinger explained embarrassed, “it’s important or we would have left you two alone.” Smoke figured that or they wouldn’t be bothering him.