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Where there's Smoke (The Devil's Apostles MC #1) Page 3
Where there's Smoke (The Devil's Apostles MC #1) Read online
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“No problem, let’s go get a beer and we can talk.” They left the soft tail in the field, it was perfectly safe there. And he had every intention of taking her back in the morning to try riding again, and maybe take her in the grass like he’d just done. The silent walk to the clubhouse took only five minutes but it was enough time for Smoke to fantasize about lying between Peyton’s legs again. She had the sweetest taste and he wanted more!
“Sweetness why don’t you go find something pretty to wear, I’ll take you to dinner after my business is done. Ok baby?” She nodded and headed out the door leaving the men to talk shop.
“Some new faces have been seen in town and whoever it is, well they’re asking about the MC and where the clubhouse is. I don’t like this Smoke.” Bones told him with a very concerned look in his eyes.
Smoke didn’t like it either, the clubhouse was built on his property for privacy and now someone was snooping. Smoke was going to ask more questions when he heard it, a blood curdling scream. Peyton was in trouble, he ran like the wind, Bones and Slinger right on his heels armed to the teeth. He saw through the trees a man trying his best to drag his girl into an old black van.
Peyton was kicking and screaming at him, clawing at his face. The unidentified man took a swing, connecting with her jaw and Smoke saw red, nobody laid hands on his girl, Smoke yelled at her to duck. He had his forty-five auto aimed right at the man’s skull and Smoke never missed. She did as he asked, crouching down as far as she could when he fired, hitting his target between the eyes, shattering his skull and scattering flesh and brain matter everywhere.
Peyton ran into Smokes arms, crying and freaking out from the gore that now spattered her pretty dress. One arm was running in the man’s blood. He knew this was going to change how she saw him, but what he had done to save her was necessary.
“Peyton sweetness, it’s ok. I got you. He’s gone and I’m so sorry you had to see this but I wasn’t taking any chances with you.” She knew why he did it, but living it was very traumatic. It didn’t make her love him any less and he needed to know that. She was trembling still when she looked up at him.
“I know and it’s ok, you did what you had to and I’m grateful that you’re who you are or God only knows what would have happened to me.” She was rushing her words from the shock. Peyton got as close to him as she could, needing to feel the safeness of his embrace.
“Can you shoot sweetness? I’m not real comfortable giving you a gun if you can’t use it.” She nodded against his chest. She had been shooting since she was a child. Skinny had made her and all of her siblings learn. Peyton figured it was more to protect him than them but either way she knew her way around a firearm.
“Good, tomorrow we get you a gun, something you can carry in your purse. Then we take off to the mountains. My pops old hideout is still club property and as far as I know, nobody outside the club knows about it.” Peyton just wanted to go somewhere they would be safe from Skinny and his goon squad, the mountains sounded so far and Mexico was just a few hours away.
“What about Mexico? It’s gotta be closer than the mountains, and I doubt he would even think to look there.” Smoke knew he wouldn’t look in Mexico.
“Sorry sweetness, we can’t go to Mexico, I made a promise years ago and I can’t break it. Pops cabin will do just fine. Bones and Slinger will come up as extra security. I’m pretty sure nobody knows about it but added eyes will be good just in case. We can continue your riding lessons there.” Peyton hated the idea of getting back on that bike but she knew Smoke wanted her to learn and for him she would do anything. He kissed her forehead, took her hand and lead Peyton back to the clubhouse where she could shower and change while he and the brothers continued their discussion about the unknowns in town.
“I need you two to handle the van and the body, someone’s bound to come looking and I want nothing left of him here.” They both understood the severity of a dead body on club property, as soon as the meeting was over, it would be dealt with.
“Well Prez, I’d say they got what they deserved. How do you want to play this?” Bones was curious on how Smoke wanted to handle the situation. He was certain blood would spill.
“Set up the perimeter with trip wires, use the grenades and get everyone to help. This asshole invaded my home and I want blood! I’m done fucking around, he wants a war, he’s got it, call in everyone that owes us a favor.” He knew Peyton was in the other room and normally girlfriends weren’t present for club business but this concerned her, she needed to know was about to happen. She had come out of the restroom freshly cleaned and changed as he spoke.
Turning to Peyton, Smoke asked: “Sweetness what can you tell us about Skinny? We need as much information as you can give us on where he hides out, what he’s doing and who he associates with.”
Peyton told them what she knew, which really wasn't much. Skinny was secretive and very few knew his business dealings, that included Peyton. She really never cared what he did as long as he left her alone. When her parents split up she took her mother’s maiden name. Being Skinny Mathews daughter wasn't a badge she wanted to wear.
Smoke kept his promise taking her to town for dinner, but now they had company. Slinger and Bones weren't far behind them. Considering the day’s events Smoke wanted the added security. They went to Smokes favorite steakhouse, The Dash.
“Order anything you want sweetness, you had a real shit day and I wanna make it up to you.” Smoke was trying his damndest to show her she could be safe with him. She had to know that no matter what, she would always be his top priority. He wanted so bad to tell her he loved her, but it was fast, maybe too fast and god forbid he scared her away. That would kill him.
Peyton ordered steak, shrimp, a house salad and steamed broccoli. Smoke had to laugh; she was just a tiny thing. He couldn’t imagine she would even eat half of it. To his surprise, Peyton ate everything and ordered a slice of cheesecake. He just shook his head, blown away that she could actually eat all of that.
“Damn sweetness, where did you put all that. There’s nothing to you.” She laughed. Peyton could out eat most people. She just had one of those killer metabolisms and never gained an ounce.
“Smoke if we’re going to the mountains, I don’t have anything warm to wear. Not that don’t love all the cute dresses and shorts we bought but won’t I freeze at night?” He had already thought of that and had planned to grab what she needed while they were in town.
“Got it covered sweetness, were going shopping as soon as we’re done here. I’m hoping to leave before sundown tomorrow night and don’t wanna make any unnecessary trips to town. The less you’re seen, the better. I don’t trust that SOB as far as I could throw him. Baby he tried to kill you. I gotta take care of you and then take care of business. I hope you understand all this, I know this has got to be a shit load to handle, I’m trying so hard honey to keep all this chaos from touching you.” Peyton knew Smoke was doing everything he could to keep her safe, and she knew he loved her even if he didn’t say the words, with him it was in his actions. In the way he held her, in his kisses, and in his eyes. There was a sparkle to them she hadn’t seen when they met. Yep, Smoke McAllister loved her and that meant everything.
They made love again that night, and just like in the field Smoke didn’t reach for his nightstand drawer, this was his woman and he wouldn’t have any barriers between them. Smoke took his time, touching Peyton in a way no man ever had, deep into her soul, showing her how loved she was even if he was too scared to say the words. When their bodies came together it was like fireworks going off and when Smoke found his release it was as intense as Peyton’s, but what he didn’t expect was to be so vocal. He never had been but with her he couldn’t help it, he moaned, whimpered and grunted louder than her. Making love to Peyton was unlike any experience Smoke had ever had, he felt the love she had for him. The other women had just wanted to be the old lady of the Prez, she really loved him.
“Peyton, sweetness….” She kne
w, and she knew she would have to say it first, he was still afraid but she wasn’t.
“I love you Nero,” she said it, waiting for his reaction. He rolled her so he could look down at her; he had tears in his eyes.
“I love you too baby, I’ll do anything to keep you safe, please know that.” Peyton knew and it made her love him that much more, even knowing what he may have to do, she loved Nero McAllister and nothing would change that.
Morning brought Smoke loading up a newer black Chevy truck; Peyton wondered where it came from. She had only been on the bike with him and in an old Jeep when they went to town.
“Whose truck is that? And do I need to start packing up my stuff?” Smoke had a number of vehicles he just chose his bike over being in a cage. There was just something about riding, being in the wind, but this was a long drive and he needed her to be comfortable and there was no way they could take what they needed on his Harley.
“Yeah Peyton, go ahead and pack what you need, I have no fucking clue how long we’re gonna be gone so get what you think you’re gonna want. And the truck is mine. I just choose the bike over any of my other vehicles. The guys will bring the bikes up with them. You and I are going before them in case we’re being watched.”
The drive to the cabin seemed to take forever, but it wasn’t a bad drive, the scenery was breathtaking. Smoke told her about Mexico and why he made the deal he did, he was shocked how she didn’t bat an eye being told he had been a gun for the cartel. Peyton surprised him more and more.
She told him why she took Sidle as her last name and how she wanted to be as removed from her father as possible; it just never seemed to work out. That he would show up at her job, her apartment and even her dorm when she was in school. She was the youngest child and in his eyes the easiest to manipulate.
“I need you to do something for me baby, if this goes sideways, do exactly what I tell you, I want us all walking out of there. And if I get arrested, or worse you need to know where the money is.” That was something she wouldn’t let herself think about.
Smoke would take care of business and both she and him would be fine, both walk out, and Skinny would be gone forever. Anything else was completely unacceptable. Peyton knew she couldn’t live without Smoke, The man had stolen her heart and he would be her forever love. She could see him being a father, holding their child in his arms and Peyton could see him staying devoted to her the way he was now.
“When we get there, stay in the truck until I check everything, like I said as far as I know it’s safe but I need to be sure. Sweetness you’re the most important thing in my world and if anything happened to you…” Smoke didn’t finish, he figured Peyton got the gist of it. Reaching for his phone he called Bones to see where they were. Smoke knew they were taking the back way up and would probably beat them to the cabin but in case he and Peyton made it first she needed to know what to expect.
“Tell me about how you came to be the President. I want to know everything you’re willing to share with me.” He wasn’t sure this was a good idea. The things he’d done during that part of his life were things he still regretted now. The brothers that disagreed with him becoming Prez and the two lives he had to take.
“It was a shitty time in my world, Pops blew his brains out on the kitchen floor with a god damn forty-four magnum and I had to deal with it. I’ve seen brains before, not a big deal but when it’s your Pops, no matter how much of an asshole he is, it’s rough. I mean I’ve power washed that shit out of the bed of my old truck, but this was my Pops, may the old bastard burn in hell.” He waited to see if she was going to be sick from his story but she wasn’t. Maybe Peyton would fit into his world better than he thought.
“After Mexico I came back to find Pops using really heavy and not caring much about the club. I pretty much took care of everything at that point even if I wasn’t the Prez. Pop’s heroin addiction was so bad he couldn’t find his own dick to piss with some days, and when he ate the bullet it was easy to step in. There was a vote and I got it but a couple of the brothers weren’t too happy with it so they decided to take me out. One was my Pop’s best friend. I slit his throat in my kitchen when he came at me. That was the worst thing I’ve ever had to do, I sat on the tile next to his bloody body and cried. Baby I knew him my whole life and he came to kill me. That was a truly fucked up day.” She sat wide eyed listening to the stories Smoke was telling, shocked that he had to go through so much.
“I know I don’t understand all this and I may never fully get it, but Nero I’m here for you, for whatever you need, you can tell me anything and I’ll love you no matter what.”
Hearing that meant everything, he reached out, wrapping his arm around her pulling her close. He still had his mom’s ring and when all this was over he would give it to her, make it official. He would give her his name and just maybe, a baby. He had been thinking about kids since the first time he saw her, how beautiful her babies would be. Never once in his adult life had he thought about bringing kids into this world until her.
Mountain Hideaway
The cabin was just how he left it the last time Smoke came up; it had been a year before when he needed some time alone. The fifth anniversary of pops death and even though he pretty much hated the man, it still got to him. Smoke was still pissed at him. Pops was a coward when he took his own life instead of kicking the habit and trying to be a decent man. Smoke didn’t think he himself was a decent man until Peyton Sidle walked into his life and turned it upside down in a matter of hours.
Smoke checked out his surroundings and gave the cabin a once over. Concluding it was all clear, he helped Peyton out of the truck. He watched her take in the cabin, the forest around them and the stream running through the property.
“Nero it’s gorgeous! You said cabin so I expected a little one room shack, not a two story log home on a creek. Wow! I could live here it’s just perfect.” It was just a place he went when he needed solitude, but seeing Peyton’s reaction had him looking at it in a different way. She said she could live here, Smoke knew the only way that would happen is if he stepped down, and gave up his patch. Smoke wasn’t sure he could, this life he had was one he’d lived a long time, he didn’t know any other way.
Smoke took Peyton for a walk by the stream waiting for Bones and Slinger to arrive. He’d been eyeing his watch every few minutes wondering what was taking them so long. The longer it took, the more he worried they’d hit a snag on the way and neither one had cell reception. He’d already called and it was sent straight to voicemail. Peyton could feel the anxiety rolling off him, concerned for his brothers.
“I’m sure everything is fine Nero, they probably just stopped somewhere for gas or food. I saw Bones eat remember, that man loves food.” She said with a smile.
Bones did love to eat, and his metabolism was like hers so he was still in shape. Bones was an actual doctor, but preferred the club over an office. He wore his blonde hair short, as if he wore a suit and tie every day. The dead giveaway were the tattoos that sleeved arms completely and the leather cut that flew his colors.
Smoke nodded, hoping she was right and it was just bones appetite that was delaying them. They sat on a rock next to the steam, skipping rocks. The midday sun was beating down so Smoke pulled off his shirt, using it to wipe sweat from his face.
“Tell me about the tattoos, there’s usually a story behind most skin art.” There was, he just wasn’t sure if he was ready to share that with her. He knew there would be another feather and skull added to the raven on his back. Slinger was never without his equipment. Smoke just wasn’t ready to see the disgusted look on her face when he explained what the skulls represented. There were twenty-six, soon to be twenty-seven. It was a permanent reminder of the lives lost by his hands. He knew it had been out of necessity, he didn’t like killing but sometimes you did things on this world you didn’t like. For Smoke, it had been them or him, and he wasn’t going out that easy.
“Someday sweetness, I’ll be able to tel
l you everything, but not now, not yet anyway. You know more than some of my brothers do, but the tats, not yet. Ok baby?” He knew she wouldn’t push, that wasn’t her way. Peyton had a way of getting him to talk without any effort; he knew he’d tell her well before he wanted to.
By the time Slinger and Bones arrived Smoke was wearing a path in the dirt. He heard the truck coming up the road, knowing from the sound that it was his.
“What the fuck took you so long? I was starting to worry!” Bones knew the ‘starting’ part of that statement was a load of crap, his Prez was definitely worried. At least he wasn’t the reason they were so late, and he was gonna make sure Smoke knew.
“Stopped for coffee.” Smoke knew there was so much more to the story than just coffee.
“So let me guess, Slinger found a sweet young thing and left a deposit, right?” Neither answered and no answer was really needed, out of all the brothers he was the absolute worst when it came to women. The young patch wasn’t disrespectful; he just needed a new one almost nightly. He remembered himself liking a variety, then Peyton happened, no other women existed for him now.
“So Smoke,” Bones addressed his President, “How we gonna play this? You want me to get the perimeter sensors on? Have you checked the cameras to make sure everything is in working order?” He hadn’t but Bones would, he was very anal about security.
Smoke noticed Peyton looking tired and probably hungry. There was a bar and grill up the road and he knew the owner very well. They could go eat and not be bothered. And the owner was very discreet, if anyone came asking, they wouldn’t get any information. Smoke was owed a few favors; he had saved the bar from bankruptcy several years back.
“Sweetness, let’s get some food in us and we can deal with this when we get back. You guys driving or riding in the back?” Peyton took her seat next to Smoke, the others followed behind in their truck. She was hungry, it had been hours since they had anything and she could always eat. Plus Smoke was a big man; he needed the fuel to keep his body happy.