Where there's Smoke (The Devil's Apostles MC #1) Read online

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  Peyton watched the three men shoot pool laughing internally, they acted more like teenage boys than the lethal outlaw bikers she knew they were. All three were extremely handsome, well-built men. Even Slinger with his womanizing ways had grown on her. He had these deep green eyes and dark shoulder length curls, Peyton could see why the ladies all fell at his feet. Smoke said he made panties fall off and she believed it.

  The other thing she sat in wonder watching was how much they were like brothers. The ribbing and trash talking while the pool game continued was entertaining. Peyton’s eyes were on Smoke, how fluidly he moved. A man that size should be klutzy but he was almost graceful. Moving like a cat around the table, he meticulously planned his shots and called the pockets as he aimed.

  She knew she had fallen fast, but it didn’t scare her, being without Smoke was the scary thing. He had found his way into her heart in a day, she couldn’t remember a time when she was this happy. Peyton looked up to see him smiling at her, and it made her smile back, then he put two fingers up to his lips and parted them, making a very rude gesture with his tongue flicking between them and she couldn’t help but blush. She knew exactly what he meant and just the thought of his face between her legs got her going. He knew it would, she knew that’s why he did it. He liked making her red, and pushing his limits with her, Peyton loved that he was extremely sexual, wanting to explore new things. Tonight would be another one of those explorations.

  Smoke won, buying a round for the table including a vodka-cranberry for Peyton. She could shoot whiskey with the best of them, but with Skinny out there somewhere she felt the need to be somewhat sober. Smoke and the guys had been pounding down beers all night and surprisingly they were still sober enough to drive. Peyton would have thrown up with all that beer.

  “Why do you ride? I always wondered why men were so fascinated with motorcycles.” She really did wonder. Peyton was terrified of them; even now riding on Smokes bike was still frightening.

  “I never really questioned why I ride sweetness; it’s as basic as breathing for me. The bike is an extension of me. Internally I am a machine, so the bike is an external body part so to speak.” Funny how that made complete sense to Peyton, the other two men agreed on it too.

  “See Peyton,” Bones explained, “Unlike these guys I didn’t grow up in the MC world, my dad was a doctor too, and he hated motorcycles. The second I turned eight-teen I got one and that was it. Smoke is right, there’s nothing quite like the iron horse. I met Smoke at a bar during my residency, we hit it off and the rest is history. I hope one day you like riding. You look really good on the back of his bike. Way too pretty for his ugly ass!” The whole table roared with laughter, Smoke was the loudest, he knew his brother wasn’t being disrespectful, just playing with his girl.

  That night Smoke and Peyton went to new heights, her straddling his face as he devoured her, lick after lick. He parted her with his tongue, tasting her, setting every nerve on fire. Her moans and cries were getting louder with each swipe of his tongue. He pulled her closer, enough to reach both her entrances with his mouth, continuing to feast on her juices, knowing one day they would test the waters of the other, but tonight he was too hungry for her orgasm. Smoke needed to feel her shudder, taste her honey on his lips, and push his tongue inside her as she came so he could feel her walls pulse. He didn’t have to wait long, she leaned forward to brace herself as it crashed through her, white light blinded her as wave after wave of ecstasy rocked her body. Smoke held tight, drinking her in like water until she had given all she had and collapsed next to him on her stomach.

  Wiping her from his face, he lay on her, his dick pushing on her backside asking for her legs to part. Peyton rose up on all fours, and in one smooth stroke Smoke was inside her. She felt like heated silk and it was intoxicating, with each thrust she moaned softly and her sounds egged him on. He was trying to be gentle with her.

  “Smoke, harder, don’t be so gentle. I like you rough.” That’s all he needed, he thrusted harder than he ever had, went deeper. His hips slamming into her ass and she responded with loud cries of pleasure.

  Going this hard he wouldn’t last long but she wanted him rough and he couldn’t say no. He loved it rough too, he always had. But with Peyton he found he liked it soft and sweet just as much.

  Peyton felt him grow harder, thicker knowing he was close to his release. She was too. Smoke knew the precise angle and hit it with each push. She could feel her body start to shudder, knowing she was on the edge, hanging on by a thread to finish with him. His grunts were becoming all out yelling and as he hit his climax so did she; shouting his name to the heavens and collapsing.

  He pulled her tight to his sweaty body, loving the feel of her skin on his. There were so many things he wanted to say to her, but Smoke needed a minute to catch his breath and bask in the love they had just made. She was snug against him and drifting off when a pounding came on the bedroom door.

  “Fuck, you two! Some of us aren’t getting laid!” Bones was giving his Prez shit and Smoke laughed. He had all but forgotten they weren’t alone but he really didn’t care. When his brothers finally found their one, they’d understand.

  Nothing could compare to lying with the one who held your heart. Smoke didn’t get it either, until Peyton walked into his world and shook it to the core. He thought he had loved before, but in comparison to how he felt for Peyton, it wasn’t even close. As he closed his eyes to sleep a smile crossed his lips. Smoke McAllister was head over heels in love.

  The Best Laid Plans

  Two weeks had passed with nothing from Skinny or his crew. The silence was making Smoke nervous, it was way too quiet and he knew something was brewing. It was a feeling deep in the pit of his stomach; Skinny was planning something and not one of them could get any information. That pissed him off, knowing that rat bastard was out there hiding and Smoke couldn’t find him.

  The good news was Peyton had finally managed keep the old soft tail on two wheels. They had ridden all the dirt roads around the cabin and she was getting good, almost ready to take it out on the pavement.

  “This is fucking awesome!” She yelled over her shoulder at him as they rode the trail that led to the lake. He’d sent the guys ahead with fishing gear and food. She wasn’t good enough to hang on to anything but the bars. When they got back his old bike was going to the shop. He wanted it customized just for her, his sweet little bunny.

  She skidded to a stop just inches from Slinger, laughing at the look of sheer terror on his face. He hadn’t seen her riding improvements, he and Bones had been too busy trying to figure out where Skinny was hiding.

  “Hey! I’m getting good at this motorcycle stuff, maybe I should be the Prez.” She told them with a sly grin. Peyton knew there was so much more to it but she loved ribbing these guys. They had become her family, and even with his man whore ways, she loved Slinger too.

  It was late in the day when he saw it; Smoke saw a flash, like the sun had hit glass. He thought maybe it was just a reflection off the water. Then he saw it again, they were being watched and he couldn’t tell if it was a flash from a camera or the glint off the lens of a rifle scope or field glasses, but either way Peyton was getting out of there.

  “Sweetness, go with Bones, something isn’t right. Don’t ask questions just go!” She followed Bones, jumping on her bike and spitting rocks down the trail. She didn’t think to question him, Peyton knew better. Smoke had that look, the one he got every time someone mentioned Skinny. She knew he and Slinger were going after whatever had spooked Smoke, and he wanted her out of harm’s way.

  The cabin had been tossed. Bones stood surveying the damages, no one thought they needed to set the alarms and they were very wrong.

  “We’re gonna need to find a safe place for you while we deal with this. Smoke is gonna lose his shit when he sees this place!”

  Peyton knew that, her man was going to go ballistic when he saw the damage to his cabin. They kicked in the door, broke out the windo
ws and trashed every piece of furniture within her eye shot. If the upstairs looked like this she was going to cry. Why not just come at them, why be so sneaky about it? She didn’t need an answer that was Skinny’s modus operandi. The coward’s way, he knew he couldn’t approach the MC any other way.

  “Bones, I’m not hiding from my dad, I’m done running, and honestly you need me. I’m the one he really wants, Smoke is the one way he knows he can get to me.”

  That made perfect sense, Skinny was watching her, and saw them together. Everyone could see how she felt about Smoke, even the brothers that were apprehensive in the beginning understood the depths of the feelings they had for one another.

  “The Prez isn’t gonna like this, trust me on that one. He will want you locked up safe somewhere and you’ll have to fight him on that. Won’t you?” He knew she wouldn’t sit idly by while the Devil’s went hard and heavy looking for Skinny. She was every bit Smokes perfect match and Bones knew she was hard-headed just like his Prez. Peyton would want to be right there next to her man, helping any way she could. Bones knew eventually Smoke would give in and let her help. The Prez couldn’t be faulted for that. Any brother would do the exact same thing if he had a woman like her.

  Smoke and Slinger came back in the truck only to find his home away from home in utter disarray. The look on his face told all three he was done hiding, done pussy footing around waiting for Skinny to make the first move. He didn’t say anything, just turned and headed for the stream with his head in his hands. Peyton watched him until he turned to her, giving her the head motion to join him. She sat next to him on the rock, staying silent. Letting him be the one to break the quiet. She knew he wanted to talk, to tell her things, secrets he had kept to himself for God only knows how long.

  “The skulls and feathers in the Raven are constant reminders of those who I killed, I hate killing Peyton, but sometimes a man has to do things he doesn’t want to do. There are twenty-six skulls on my body. Slinger will add one for the asshole who tried to take you away from me. When it comes to Skinny, I’m going to fucking enjoy that kill. He deserves to suffer, I want to make his torture last for weeks, and I might just do that.” Peyton sat mute as Smoke told her all about the tattoos, the ones for death, the ones for fallen brothers and the ones for his conquests from years back. He hadn’t looked her in the eye, not wanting to see the disgusted look he knew she had to have.

  “That’s the big secret on the ink, seriously Nero you don’t give me enough credit.” She told him, shocking him into surprised eye contact. “I told you before, you can tell me anything and it won’t change how I feel about you. I love you Nero McAllister, so stop thinking I’m gonna walk out on you. I’m not her. When it comes to Skinny, I want the skull. I want it. I think you need someone to help carry the burden and that’s me Nero, I can do it.” Just Peyton offering to take a skull meant so much, he didn’t think he could let her, but the gesture was touching. Putting a skull on her would taint her. She was so pure he just didn’t think he had it in him.

  “I’ll think about it sweetness. I really will, but if it’s my kill, I’m not sure I can let you ruin yourself with a death sigil.” She didn’t understand but that was ok, Smoke would do what he felt was the right thing to do. Peyton also knew they weren’t staying here, as much as she wanted to. Smoke was done hiding and he was mad, more than mad, furious was the word that came to mind. They would be heading back to the property in the junction to strategize with the brothers and the other clubs he’d told her about. There was a Riding Club that could be brought in. Friends of the club he’d told her, trusted brothers that didn’t ask questions, they just did as they were bid.

  Smoke needed to see the damage, she just wasn’t sure he could deal with what he saw. Staring at his place, at the door, knowing how much chaos was behind the pine. He felt her hand take his; she always seemed to know what he needed without saying a word. He took the first steps towards the cabin and stopped, just needing a minute to calm his nerves before seeing what was left of his solitude.

  “Nero, trust me when I say you don’t want to see it, let me and Bones handle it. Please Nero; I know what this place means to you, and seeing it won’t make things any better.”

  He knew she was right, but his pride was talking, that and his macho male stubbornness, both were winning. Smoke leaned over and kissed her forehead, leaving her to watch him take the twenty or so steps alone. Peyton knew he had to, but she hated knowing what he would find behind the door.

  Smoke stood in the center of what was left of his living room, seething at the damage they did. All of his Mother’s antique furniture had been smashed into a state of unrepairable ruin. The same went for the dishes, the windows, lamps, lighting, and the bannister. Nothing within eye shot was salvageable. He needed to look upstairs but just couldn’t bring himself to do so. Peyton was right; this didn’t make it any better. Damn his macho male bullshit! He knew he should have listened to her, but no, he had to be a man and look. After seeing the destruction, nothing would save that son of a bitch. Nothing!

  Peyton stood with Bones and Slinger waiting for Smoke to come out. She had a bad feeling he was having a meltdown looking at the destruction. He had told her what that place meant to him and she could only imagine what was going to happen now that he’d actually seen the chaos. Heads were going to roll, blood was going to flow like rivers and the body count was going to rival World War Two. The scary part was that Peyton was all too happy help. In the two weeks they’d been here, she had completely fallen in love with the cabin and the woods. Skinny had taken away her man’s solitude, it was his hideaway and she wasn’t going to stand by and let him get away with it.

  “Should we go get him or just let him be? I’m worried about what he’s thinking.” Peyton told Bones and he was worried about his Prez also. This hit home, literally. Knowing Smoke the way he did, the shit was going to hit the proverbial fan.

  “Leave him, he needs to work some shit out, it’s a guy thing Peyton. Has nothing to do with you, me, or anyone else. The Prez had to work it out and he will, trust me on that. I’ve known him over ten years. He’s my Prez, my brother, and most of all my friend. He needs to do this on his own. He knows you love him and that you’re here waiting and when he’s ready...” She nodded and headed back to the stream. Bones was right, her man needed to get it together on his own. This was something she couldn’t help with.

  An hour later, he came out and straight to her, figuring she needed to know he was ok. He wasn’t, but he would be eventually. When he put that bastard down, dug the hole and pissed on Skinny’s lifeless corpse, then Smoke McAllister would be ok.

  “You mad at me?” Was all he said, sitting on the rock next to her, hoping he hadn’t completely ruined everything. He wasn’t making eye contact again, not being able to bear it if she’d had enough.

  “You’re joking right? Seriously Nero, you have to stop with that shit right now. If I’m mad, you’re gonna know it. Your house was just destroyed and you think I’m mad because you’re about to flip shit and start a war?”

  “I didn’t start this war sweetness, but I’m damn sure gonna finish it. Nobody does this to me or my club and gets to walk away. I am gonna need your help, if you’re willing that is...” He hoped she’d help; he really needed and wanted her help. He was about to ask her to help murder her father, Smoke had no idea if this was going to fly.

  Peyton would do anything for Smoke; she couldn’t believe he hadn’t figured that out yet. He was the only man in the world that had ever put himself in harm’s way for her and she loved him fiercely.

  “You know I’ll do anything to help you, just tell me what you need from me and I’m there.” Smoke let out an audible sigh of relief. First thing they had to do was go home. He’d sent the word to the club that things were going O.K. Corral, meaning shoot first, ask questions later. Peyton would be in the thick of it so it was time to up her fire power. The three fifty seven revolver was good for self-defense but she was going
to need at least a semi auto, and a bigger caliber.

  “I’m gonna kill him sweetness, you know that right? Skinny Matthews is a dead man, and for that I’d like to say I’m sorry, but I’m afraid I can’t, I’m not one fucking bit sorry. That piece of shit came at you, and then came into my home, nope, fuck that shit!” Peyton hated that Smoke would have more blood on his hands, but she could understand why he felt that he needed to do this.

  The Killing Fields

  Smoke and Peyton loaded up the truck, got the bikes ready and strapped them down on the trailer. She ventured upstairs to collect their things, leaving Bones to babysit so she didn’t have to worry about Smoke charging up the stairs and losing it even more than he already had.

  Standing in the master bedroom, Peyton was actually nauseous looking at the destruction. The bedroom where they had made such beautiful love had been turned into a war zone, nothing had been left untouched including the solid maple four poster bed. Even most of their clothes had been shredded, Peyton was relieved Smoke wasn’t here to see this. Somehow she was going to figure out how to fix it all. He deserved to have his sanctuary and Peyton was going to make sure that happened.

  They sat in silence half way down the mountain, a combination of the destruction of his cabin and gearing up for the fight of his life. Smoke reached over and pulled Peyton next to him, he still didn’t say anything. He just needed to feel her. She had a way of soothing his tortured soul, and she probably had no idea she did it. It was just her presence. That and the fact she still loved him; even after his childish tantrums. She hadn’t seen them but he was sure she’d heard him when he stood in his living room screaming obscenities and throwing what was left of his furniture against the wall.

  He had already been in touch with his RC. Renegade was the RC President and a ruthless bastard who was on the hunt and wouldn’t rest until he did what Smoke asked of him. He’d known Renegade for years, they had met during a bar fight.