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Where there's Smoke (The Devil's Apostles MC #1) Page 5

  Smoke had been shooting his mouth off to a rival MC. He was just a Prospect at the time and had gotten himself in over his head. Renegade took up with him and saved his ass. When Smoke became the President he gave Renegade the title to the RC and his patch, it made sense to be the one who patched him in. He had been seriously thinking of giving him a Devil’s patch lately. He’d earned it. Smoke was going to call Church and put that to a vote. Patching Renegade into the Devil’s was a necessity now.

  Peyton sat staring out the window, watching the pines turn to sage-brush and then to desert. There was something about the mountains that called to her, the same way Smoke did. Like the Sirens that once called the sailors to their watery demise. She just hoped this wasn’t calling either of them to their deaths. Smoke hadn’t said a word since they left, just drove and sang along to whatever song came on his satellite radio. To her surprise, he had an incredible voice. She was worried. He was way too unsociable with her after what they’d just been through together. Peyton had a feeling there was a hurricane brewing under the surface and she was afraid, not for herself but for Smoke.

  Smoke was thinking of all the ways he could prolong Skinny’s death, he knew everything that had happened was a direct order from that rat bastard. Trying to kill your own daughter was so far past unacceptable, Smoke couldn’t even comprehend it. He knew all Skinny did was make a phone call, so he would snip off his fingers, one by one, one digit at a time until he had none, then he would move on to something bigger and much more fun.

  He felt Peyton look over every few minutes, he knew she was concerned, and he knew he’d been way too quiet. “Hey sweetness, when we get home I want you to pick out some new things for the house, it’s your home too and it needs a woman’s touch. I never much cared before, but I do now.” She nodded, thankful he had decided to talk. Peyton still wondered what was going on in his head, and she was certain even if she asked he wouldn’t tell her, so she let it go.

  “I like the house Nero, maybe just get a dining room table instead of your beer pong table and put that one on the back patio so you boys can drink smoke and make messes out there. The rest is perfect, it’s you.” He liked that she didn’t want to upset his world, but maybe that’s exactly what it needed. Women like her didn’t come along very often and he wasn’t going to fuck this up if he could help it. Smoke knew he didn’t always make the right choices, or say the right things or even say things the right way but he was damn sure trying and that had to mean something. The best part of his world was her now, and how she loved him. That was still unbelievable for him.

  Peyton ran her hand up the denim on Smoke’s thigh. She needed the contact after the hours of silence. Peyton wanted to tell him it would be ok but she knew words weren’t what he needed right now. He needed a physical touch and that’s precisely what she was going to do. She let her hand slide over his crotch, eliciting a hiss from him. One of those please don’t stop kind of hisses, she had no plans to stop. The guys were two car lengths back, plus she really didn’t care if they knew what was going on in the cab of Smokes truck. Her man was in need and she had no intention of denying him what he needed.

  Smoke was rock hard in less than a minute, just from a few strokes through his jeans. Peyton knew just how to touch him, how to calm him down and distract him from the turmoil in his world. She had popped the button and slid down the fly, freeing his cock, gently gliding her hand up and down the hardened shaft, causing him to whimper as she kissed his neck. His head was leaning against the rear window and had they not been doing seventy-five on the highway, his eyes would be closed enjoying the sensation of her small, soft, shapely hands. The reality was so much better than his fantasy. Peyton’s thumb slid over his swollen head, rubbing the moisture that had escaped all over it; damn he had to be in heaven. What he wouldn’t give to push himself into her mouth.

  As if she was reading his mind, lips replaced the thumb. It was her turn to whimper, he knew she liked doing this and she had told him tasting him like this made her hot. The deeper she swallowed him, the harder he got and Smoke didn’t think that was possible. This felt good, too good. Now he had been the recipient of highway head before but this was different, she was different. She loved him and if she didn’t stop soon, there may be an unwanted deposit, that’s not where he wanted it to go.

  “Sweetness , were pulling in to the rest stop, I need to be inside you, lose the shorts and climb on me, please pretty girl, I’m way to close for you to keep that up.” Peyton didn’t mind if it happened like this, Smoke had a taste she loved but for some reason he didn’t want it like this.

  “You can let go Nero, it’s ok.”

  No, it wasn’t, not for Smoke. That kind of deposit was given when you didn’t care about the woman, didn’t want to worry about pregnancy. With Peyton, all he could think about lately was getting her pregnant, making beautiful babies with her, he was still blown away by how someone so pure, so beautiful and perfect could love him, but she did. He felt it every day.

  “No sweetness, not like this, not now anyway. Someday maybe but right now I need to feel you surrounding me.” They pulled into the rest stop, finding a spot at the very end of the parking area away from prying eyes. Peyton straddled his lap, taking every inch of him; drawing the most delicious sounds from both of them. Had it been any cooler they would have fogged up the windows with the panting and struggled breathing.

  He knew his brothers were waiting on them, but Smoke wasn’t going to rush this one. She needed to experience him being gentle. Being a loving man and making sure he went slow enough to give Peyton her pleasure first. She had gotten him so worked up that he needed to slow the pace so he didn’t lose it in just a few strokes. As it was with each thrust she whimpered in his ear and that made holding his orgasm off almost painful. That and the fact she was so warm and wet he could feel it dripping all over his balls, had him biting the inside of his cheek just to keep from exploding inside. Her arms wrapped around him, nails digging into the skin of Smokes back, going deeper with each driving thrust.

  “Harder Peyton, make me bleed. I want you to mark me sweetness.” He choked out the words, having little breath left. She obliged him, digging harder and Smoke felt the blood start to drip. This was what he wanted, a little pain to match the pleasure of their intimate dance. As her head fell back, he knew. Peyton clenched around him and Smoke could let go, and as he did his body shook uncontrollably. This had never happened, not this way. His orgasms had always been good, but this was Nirvana. It drew out the words he’d always been too afraid to say first. “I love you sweetness.” Smoke told her as he held her tight to him. There was no doubt in his mind she was his ‘one’.

  Peyton let Smoke hold her as close as he needed to, she loved the way it felt to be in his arms. To be loved and cherished by this big, burly man was so much more than incredible she couldn’t find the right word. Words really weren’t needed right at this very moment in time, just hanging on to each other, letting he love wash over them was what they needed now.

  Smoke slowly lifted her off of him, helping her clean herself up and redress so she could make a quick trip to the bathroom. She needed to pee, he knew because he had to take a piss so she must too. At least that was the male reasoning. He watched her as she walked away from the truck to the little rest stop stall, her ass swaying as she opened the door. He stood, doing his own business against the truck tire when heard his phone going off. He knew it was one of the guys, making sure they were done and Peyton was dressed. Both knew how Smoke felt about anyone seeing her naked. He read the text as he zipped up, laughing silently.

  ‘Finished making that deposit Prez?’ Was what it read, had to be Slinger using Bones phone. Bones was more tactful in his words; years of college will do that. Smoke sent a message back letting them know it was all clear, then he saw the truck approaching.

  “Sorry for the holdup guys, give her two minutes and we’ll be on our way.” Smoke wasn’t sorry, not even a little. His little blue eyed b
eauty was all he could think about most days and when she started touching him, he was done. He had to have her and that’s precisely what had happened. Smoke wondered each time they made love if this would be the time they made a baby. He knew that should be the last thing on his mind, but it wasn’t. A child with Peyton was always on the forefront of his mind.

  Home Sweet Home

  The clubhouse was still standing as they pulled down the dirt drive, a small fact that Smoke was happy about. He had considered calling to ask after the disaster at the cabin, but he couldn’t take any more bad news so he figured if something catastrophic had happened they would have called.

  His crew was there to greet them, hugging Peyton first and then acknowledging their Prez. Smoke figured it was good natured ribbing considering he did it to them when they got serious with a woman. Peyton hugged them all, laughing at how they all said she should be with them. Smoke asked Bones to walk her to the house and help her get what little they had left unpacked. He agreed without issue, knowing Smoke was calling Church and he already knew what would be discussed.

  As he and Peyton walked the trail that led to Smoke’s house she asked him questions.

  “What’s your real name? I mean Smoke is Nero, so what’s yours?” He hadn’t used his given name in eight years. Once he met Smoke, he’d gotten his club name and nobody ever asked.

  "Zeke, but like Smoke, nobody calls me by mine.” She knew that, but she wanted to know him better. Bones was Smokes friend. “I wouldn’t mind if when it’s just the three of us if you call me Zeke. It’s been years since anyone has used it, my father is the only one that does. He hasn’t spoken to me in over five years though.” Five years was a long time, she couldn’t fathom how Bones father was so mad he wouldn’t speak to him. What a messed up situation.

  “So just Zeke? Or is there a last name to go with it?" She asked him jokingly, knowing there was. But once you patched in the original name was gone. To the brotherhood and any other MC, including the RC he was forever Bones.

  “Yeah there’s last name,” he joked back at her. “It’s Canfield, good old doctor name don't you think? Ezekiel Alec Canfield, pretty sure my parents were high when they named me.” Wow that was one hell of a name, but knowing Bones it seemed to fit him.

  “Tell me what’s going to happen now, how does all this work?” Peyton had no idea what they planned to do with Skinny. She wasn’t positive she wanted to know but she was in the thick of it and figured knowing was better than not. Peyton could see the turmoil in Bones eyes, not knowing how much he should or shouldn’t say. Smoke should be the one to explain this not him, she was his girl and it was her father Smoke was going to kill.


  Smoke stood at the head of the club’s Church table. This room was only for Church meetings, he and Knuckles had the only keys to this particular room. He was well aware that what he was about to say might cause mutiny, but it had to be done. War was upon them and they needed support. One sure fire way to get that was from the club they had already sponsored.

  “I called this meeting today to put something on the table, and of course, it’s a vote.” Smoke was still seething from the destruction of his getaway. He was at the point of not caring if they liked his idea; they had to see this his way. He could turn into a god damned drill sergeant if that’s what it took.

  Knuckles gave him a conflicted look; he wanted to ask what the new trouble was but decided better of it. The look Smoke had on his face told them all that this was not the time to screw with him.

  “Ok Prez," Knuckles’ voice spoke out. "What’s the vote for?” He couldn’t fathom what Smoke had running through his head, but from the look of it he and the rest of the brothers were about to find out.

  "I want to patch in Renegade, no fight, no Prospect, just hand him his cut with a Devil’s patch on it. We need this, and God dammit we need HIM! This shit is so deep right now, without adding some one we’re fucked. And yeah I know I’m the one that fucked us. I’ll take ownership of that one. I did it for Peyton, and don’t tell me you wouldn’t have done the same mother fucking thing!”

  Smoke sat, putting his head in his hands. He knew the storm that was currently brewing was his doing, and he’d fight it alone if that was what was needed. But this was why he kept his brothers so close, so he wouldn’t have to weather a storm like this alone. Peyton Sidle was too important to ever walk away from.

  Nobody said anything for the longest time, the wood floor creaking was the only noise heard, and then Slinger had enough of dead air.

  "See Prez, I always liked that crazy son of a bitch Renegade. The man is pure loco and I find that pretty damn endearing. Yeah, new word for me, I guess I’ve been hanging with the doc too much.” He chuckled and then continued. “You say we need him, I’m only gonna ask one question. Do you think he’s earned a Devil’s patch? If you say yes, I’ll vote with ya.”

  Smoke shook his head, giving his ink man a half laugh. He was funny when he spoke, even funnier when the President was in a mood. Renegade had earned his patch, they all knew deep down he had.

  Smoke gave the answer Slinger was expecting and the vote went unanimous. There was a room full of full belly laughs and smiles. He knew he had the entire brotherhood’s support.

  “Hey ink man, when is Renegade supposed to get here?” Smoke asked his friend. Slinger told him they were expecting him sometime in the evening and then he had one last question for his Prez.

  “This might be a stupid question but have you told the Coalition what’s gonna go down?" Smoke hadn’t called them, not wanting to deal with the politics. The Coalition was basically the governing body over every RC, MC and one percent club. They designed the patches and had them put out. They approved new clubs, club names and even Prospects. Each club was expected to pay monthly dues to cover the patches and anything else the Coalition deemed appropriate. Smoke knew if he called them, they would send a few board members and he didn’t want to wait around over the conflict of adding a new member without the Prospect period. Action was required right now, not sitting around discussing and waiting on politics.

  "No man I didn’t. I’ll take the blowback if it comes. To save Peyton and put that SOB in a grave would be worth losing my patch."

  Hide and Seek

  Smoke and Slinger took off before dawn to meet with one of the girls Slinger knew. She had information on one of the men that had done work for Skinny and Smoke wanted it. Anything he could come up with to find that chicken shit son of a bitch was welcomed info. He had left Bones instructions to stay with Peyton and make sure wherever she went, he went. Bones would stay with her that he knew. The entire club knew how important Peyton was to Smoke.

  His old Chevy truck went down the highway just under the speed limit. It was way too early to have to deal with cops. Two cups of coffee wasn’t nearly enough to have the bacon on his ass and considering he was carrying enough firepower to start his own Army, he stayed just under anyone’s radar.

  “So how exactly do you know this girl and why so early Ink man?” Smoke asked, musing.

  Slinger just laughed, his Prez knew him well enough to know it had to be reliable info or he wouldn’t be up and moving. His source was a working girl he had helped out of a jam and she owed him. She knew it, so when she got wind of the goings on she called. Suzy wanted to be square with Slinger and this was her chance.

  "Working girl Prez, she’s on her way home. Best time is now. She’s off the clock so I won’t be paying for her... this time.”

  Smoke didn’t say a word, just shook his head trying fathom how he would need to pay for sex. Slinger was a good looking man. Women flocked to him so why pay, unless he liked this one. Smoke doubted that, it would take a very special woman to pin him down. A working girl wasn’t it, but there was some reason he had paid and Smoke didn’t want to know.

  Peyton and Bones sat having morning coffee on the wrap around porch listening to the birds chirping. It wasn’t the cabin but she still enjoyed the soun
ds anyway.

  “Zeke I need a favor and it’s kinda big.” Bones nodded, waiting for her to ask him the favor she needed. “I want to fix the cabin. Nero deserves to have his sanctuary and I love it up there. I'm pretty sure I’ve got enough money stashed away and if not I've got a ton of credit cards." This was a huge favor but he was certain he could make it happen.

  "Yeah that’s a big one but I can get a contractor friend of mine on the phone later and see what I can do. I hope one of these days I find a woman just like you. You’re fucking incredible Peyton. He’s a lucky bastard.” She smiled at Zeke, and took his hand. He was quickly becoming her best friend.

  Bones took Peyton into town so she could see about a dining room table and while they were out she wound up buying two picnic tables and a double burner gas BBQ plus all the accessories she would need to cook for all the brothers and families. She couldn’t help but feeling attached to them all. Peyton also conned Bones into stopping at the grocery store so she could put food in the fridge.

  “Damn, Smoke won’t know what to do with a fridge full of food!" Bones joked knowing Smoke didn’t cook. If it couldn’t be microwaved he didn’t get it. He watched as Peyton went to work peeling potatoes and he smiled knowing he would have a very happy stomach tonight. “I take it you’re cooking tonight? Should I put the call out to the brotherhood that dinner will be here?”

  She nodded and continued peeling as she asked, "Can you please set up the tables out by the fire pit? I’m pretty sure the BBQ is almost put together but I’ll need your help."

  Bones didn’t mind at all. It had been a long time since he’d had real home cooking. Hell, he’d swing his dick in the local church for a real honest to goodness meal. Take-out wasn't bad, it just got boring and he had never learned how to cook.