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Where there's Smoke (The Devil's Apostles MC #1) Page 6

  "Yeah you know I will. Would you do something for me, it would mean a lot." Peyton had no clue what Bones could possibly want. She knew she was about to find out though. With the way he was looking at her she was concerned it was something really outrageous.

  “Would you teach me how to cook? I never learned and it would be nice to have something aside from take-out food all the time.” That blew her away, Bones not only couldn’t cook, but he was asking for lessons. This was going to be more fun than anything she had ever done. Teaching him to cook was going to be a blast.

  “Holy Hell Zeke, I’d love to! Get the guys to set up the tables and BBQ, then wash up and report back here.”

  Smoke and Slinger returned to a yard full of brothers putting tables together and finishing the assembly of the BBQ. He had to laugh knowing his girl was the responsible party here. It was looking like they were all going to eat well tonight and the brothers were really enjoying the moment. The only one missing was Bones and Smoke assumed he was babysitting his woman like he had been asked to. When he wandered into the kitchen his jaw hit the floor. Nothing had ever shocked him more.

  He stood staring at the sight in front of him utterly speechless. Peyton noticed him and went running into his arms.

  “Nero! Damn you’ve been gone all day and I’ve missed you.” She told him as her lips met his. Smoke could never resist her kisses. Bones smiled at him and just continued what he was doing.

  “Sweetness I missed you too but what in the seven hells are you two doing?” Smoke was still staring at his friend who was wearing an apron, covered in flour and rolling out what looked to be dough of some sort.

  “Zeke and I are cooking for the boys tonight and he is learning. And that,” she told him pointing at the dough, “is pie crust. Zeke is making two peach pies for us to have after dinner. He asked if id show him how to cook. How could I say no?” She giggled looking at her friend covered in flour and he looked back and laughed too. He knew he must look ridiculous, but he really didn’t care. Spending the afternoon in the kitchen with Peyton was fun and he did learn quite a bit; definitely enough to be able to make a few things and not burn his house down.

  “Well sweetness you might as well teach me too. I'm great at microwaving stuff, but really nothing else.” Smoke took a spot next to Bones rolling up his shirt sleeves and laying his cut over the chair. “So where do I start?”

  By the time she was ready to put the steaks on the new BBQ, bones and smoke were almost ready to be left alone in the kitchen. She had them setting the tables and putting out the food she prepped while working on keeping the kitchen in one piece.

  “Hey pretty lady, need any help with the grill?” Slinger came up behind her as she was turning the meat.

  “You cook?” Peyton was almost shocked. Not one man in this place could do more than microwave or boil water. She was terrified to leave the grill.

  “In more ways than just the BBQ babe.” He answered with a predatory leer. His sexual innuendos didn’t even faze her. He was such a man whore and made no bones about his ways. She adored him despite it.

  “Ok, but if you burn these ill have your ass on a platter Ink Man!”

  “Not a problem pretty lady, oh hey when are you gonna let me add some color to your skin? I have the perfect thing for you.” Peyton had never thought about getting a tattoo, she hadn't come across anything she liked enough to make it permanent except Smoke. He was the only thing in this world she wanted forever.

  “Maybe later big boy, I've got dinner to serve.” She said chuckling as she walked away heading for the kitchen.

  With dinner on the table and everyone talking about the events of the last few weeks Peyton finally got to meet Renegade. He was nothing like she imagined he'd be. He was short with dark hair and shimmering blue eyes. Renegade was actually just as handsome as the rest. Even the scar down his cheek didn’t distract from his looks. It actually fit him. He spent almost the entire dinner flirting like mad with her and making her blush. Smoke didn’t bat an eye, he knew she was his and nothing Renegade could do would sway that.

  After dinner she brought the pies out to a cheering group. Each thanked her for all the cooking and for the pies, when she told them she didn’t make the pies each of them had the look of surprise.

  “So where exactly did they come from if you didn’t bake them?” Renegade asked her and Peyton was still giggling. She pointed to Bones and Smoke.

  “The pies are compliments of my man and my new best friend. Boys take a bow, you did really well!” Both knew they’d never live it down but that was alright. Each one was proud of what they’d accomplished in one afternoon.

  Smoke stood up to address the table, there was still business to attend to. No matter what else was going on, the club had to bring in revenue.

  “We have a delivery to make. It’s in Alamogordo, this isn’t a delivery I really wanna make, but business is business. Renegade I’d like you to go with Knuckles and Slinger. Take Moody and Slick. I need to be here with Peyton, I can’t be that far away from her with Skinny still lurking. It’s an easy exchange, merchandise for cash. Just keep an eye on each other.” Smoke didn’t need to add the last part, his brothers always watched out for one another but he felt he needed to add it so they knew he cared. This wasn’t just a club, it was family.

  “So boss, I take it the shipment is for Jefē?” Knuckles knew if they were that close to the border it had to be for the cartel. Smoke just gave a single nod. “Still don’t know why you do anything for that greasy asshole. Fuck man, how many times did he try to kill you?”

  That got Peyton’s attention, so much so she dropped the plates she’d been clearing from the table. The sound of shattering glassware echoed in the canyon. Sheer terror replaced the smile she’d had just mere seconds before. She knew the kind of man he was, but hearing them talk of someone trying to kill Smoke was different. It put Peyton on her knees forcing the rising bile back down.

  “Sweetness.” Smoke knelt down beside her, taking her in his arms. “It was a long time ago, we have an understanding now.” She nodded against his chest and Smoke motioned for Bones to take her back to his house while he handled Knuckles loose lips.

  Smoke looked in his direction and Knuckles knew he’d stepped in it. They were so used to being able to talk freely. He’d completely forgotten Peyton didn’t know Smoke still dealt with Jefē. “Boss, I'm sorry, I didn’t think,” and that’s where Smoke cut him off.

  “No bro, you didn’t think! Fuck man my woman isn’t used to all this yet. Watch what you say, are we clear?”

  Oh yeah they were clear. By the look he got Knuckles knew it was a warning and he wouldn’t get a second. His Prez was on the warpath after the debacle at his cabin and if he didn’t watch himself, Knuckles would be in a hole somewhere and he’d never be found.

  “Crystal Prez, I’m really sorry. I should go talk to Peyton, apologize to her.” Smoke gave him a single nod and told him to wait as he sent Bones a text to bring her back. In less than two minutes they appeared on the pathway between the clubhouse and Smoke’s home. Knuckles met them on the pathway.

  “Can I have a minute alone with her?” Bones walked away figuring he was trying to fix his royal fuck up. Smoke met him before he made it back to the group.

  “She ok Bones? I haven’t seen her get upset like that and I’m worried man. She’s so strong and to see her on her knees gagging fucking terrified me. I need to make this better, I just don’t know how.”

  Bones wasn’t sure either but he understood the need Smoke had to console his woman. Bones had already told her the details of Jefē and just how hard Smoke was to kill.

  “I told her about Jefē, I know it might have been overstepping but she was a wreck man and she needed to know. She’s better now but she needs reassuring from you.” Smoke understood that, Peyton was as delicate as she was strong and she needed to feel safe, loved and protected.

  “Nah, you’re good. She did need to know and I should have been the
one to tell her. When I told her about Mexico I didn’t tell her everything and that’s on me. Is she pissed off at me?” Bones knew she wasn’t pissed, frightened but not pissed.

  Knuckles stood looking down at his President’s lady. She smiled up at him, beating him to the apologies. “I hope I didn’t get you in trouble with Smoke, it was just a shock hearing that somebody he does business with wants to kill him. I hope you know I’m not mad at you.”

  He had to laugh, he was the one who should have done the apologizing and here she was doing it herself. “I’ll talk to Nero, not to worry. You might not be in trouble, but he definitely is!”

  Smoke and Bones stood side by side watching Peyton and Knuckles. Whatever he was saying was making her laugh. She turned to Smoke as Knuckles walked away. She had a look; one smoke knew meant he was in some shit.

  “Thought you said she wasn’t pissed?” Bones just shrugged his shoulders smiling. No she wasn’t pissed, Peyton was downright mad. Bones had a bad feeling his Prez was about to get an ass chewing. As Peyton motioned for Smoke to join her, he spoke over his shoulder.

  “I’m in deep shit aren’t I?” He made his way to her knowing he was in trouble. “You said I’d know and you look like you want to shoot me, so I’m guessing you’re mad.”

  She would never harm him but the fact that she looked like she wanted to was suiting her just fine. Peyton was mad and a few other things too. Smoke had hid something from her, he didn’t trust her enough.

  “Yes Nero, I am mad. But more than anything I’m hurt you didn’t tell me. I thought we were a team.” Her anger turned quickly and he couldn’t help but see the hurt in her eyes. Damn he was an ass. She was tough enough to handle everything he’d told her thus far. And here he went hiding something this big.

  “I'm so sorry sweetness, you’re right I fucked up and I swear I’ll try not to do it again. Forgive me?” She always would and somehow he knew. Peyton climbed into his arms and he held on, kissing the top of her head. “I love you Peyton.” It was soft but she heard him clear as a bell. It was just meant for her ears. Not the dozen brothers thirty feet away.

  “I have things to say to them now that I’ve chewed your butt.” She laughed and smiled up at him. He leaned down taking her lips with his. He had to feel her lips and taste her kiss. Then he knew they were ok. He gave her a smile and a nod, sending her back to his brothers. Smoke was looking forward to seeing his girl in action. This was gonna be entertaining.

  “Ok boys,” She told them as she approached the table with her hands on her hips. “Sit!” And every last one of them sat like dogs with a command. “No more keeping secrets, no more half-truths. Smoke and I are a team and I need to know what’s going on. No matter how bad it is. Please don’t lie to me, I know this isn’t the conventional way you’ve always done things but that’s changing. So are we good?” Peyton got eleven nods and then Renegade spoke up.

  "She’s right, and we’re a bunch of fucking Neanderthals. Now I’m gonna go out on a limb here and say you're not gonna go on business but yeah you’re Smoke’s lady and we all need to be straight with you.” Then he stood and walked over to her.

  What happened next even brought Smoke to tear up. Renegade knelt in front of her, one knee in the dirt and his hand on the other. “Queen Peyton of the Devil’s, I bow to you and promise to always be straight.” The other ten brothers followed suit and she had tears rolling down her cheeks, Smoke blinked his back but they had been there. By the time she had hugged all of them the tears had subsided. They all had accepted her into this boys club and she loved them all.

  As the evening ended Smoke still felt a twinge of guilt for not being up front with Peyton about Jefē, so he needed to apologize properly and that’s just what he did. Starting at her toes and kissing his way up both sides of her body until he had her so worked up she couldn’t wait any longer.

  “Smoke please!” He knew exactly what she was begging for and there was no way he was about to deny her exactly what she needed. Every thick inch of him would be buried deep inside her.

  Smoke hovered over her swimming in the longing he found in her eyes, the love he saw illuminated them. He wanted to devour her but hesitated to rush what he knew needed to be slow so he went inch by agonizing inch until he had no more to give. She held all of him within her and he felt electrified just being inside her. Nothing had ever made him feel like this. Smoke started a very slow, very deep thrusting rhythm that had Peyton whimpering in his ear. With each thrust she moaned louder and he could barely contain himself. His soft grunts were becoming all out shouts and as she reached the peak so did he. Both clung to the other and moaned together as they rode out the storm of their orgasms.

  They lay joined, Smoke catching his breath and Peyton loving the feel of being in her man’s arms. Nothing was better in her eyes than Smoke.

  “So Queen Peyton,” he joked with her about the name Renegade had given her. “What are we going to argue about tomorrow?” He made her laugh; only he would ask that now.


  The five brothers headed out towards New Mexico to meet Jefē, Renegade driving the extended van full of arms and ammunition, the other four on bikes. It’s was just daybreak and Smoke wanted this done and them back before nightfall. This was another blacked out ride. Each man in street clothes and no colors, just a plain cut to hide the heat that each was carrying. Nobody wanted to be stopped by old Johnny Law, not needing to answer where they were headed to and why. This mission had to go without any problems.

  Renegade sat behind the wheel of the old Dodge van chain smoking and plotting. He was the king of revenge, karma took too long and he wasn’t a patient man. When Smoke called explaining the situation he knew this would be the stress relief he needed. Things in his life had gone from bad to worse and this would take the edge off. It used to be dope, but then he got clean. It just happened to be after his old lady divorced him and took everything.

  The only thing he had left in this shitty world was his Harley and his brothers. He had taken to living in the clubhouse and nobody said a word. They wouldn’t have lived long had they mentioned it. Renegade just had no need to be anywhere else. The club was his life, nothing else seemed to matter. His brothers stayed true long after the bitch had gone so why not stay where he felt at home.

  The caravan had been on the road for three hours when they stopped for a piss break and to smoke. Moody and Slick went for coffee while the others took care of fuel and checked in with Smoke. Just a text saying there were no issues and they were taking a piss and hitting the road.

  Renegade knew how nervous Smoke was. Normally he led the caravan but with his lady in danger he wouldn’t leave her. Knuckles lead this one as Vise Prez. Any orders he gave would be as if they came from Smoke himself. You didn’t question things out here, if the shit went sideways during business each man knew what was expected and that’s how it had to be.

  Three and a half hours later they made the abandoned farmhouse about twenty miles outside of Alamogordo. Pulling up by the old barn and cutting the engines they waited. Renegade got out of the van and walked over to Slinger.

  “Hey Ink Man, this feels all kinds of wrong. Do you hear anything odd?” There was no sound aside from the breeze flowing through the trees. It was another twenty minutes before they heard a car engine. Renegade still didn’t like it. Something was definitely not good but he let Knuckles handle it. He was the VP and knew Jefē well enough.

  Five Hispanic looking men exited the suburban that had just pulled up. Knuckles stood waiting for Jefē, but he wasn’t there. Either he didn’t come or this was a bad setup.

  “Where’s Jefē?” Not one spoke English or at least that’s what he assumed. So he opened the rear van doors to show the merchandise.

  While Knuckles was dealing with business Renegade whispered to Slinger, “Man this still feels like a fucked up situation. Dude with the briefcase cuffed to him keeps looking around like he’s waiting for something.” Slinger had noticed too, and
that made him nervous. This all seemed like a bad dream.

  Knuckles handed over the keys to the van waiting for the briefcase to be handed over. What he got was a gun in the face. By the hole in the muzzle it had to be at least a forty five and that was a bad day waiting to happen. He slowly raised his hands and backed away, not making any sudden movements.

  That’s when the bullets started flying and everyone went running for cover. Moody and Slick took out two with no problems but Briefcase ran in the direction of the dilapidated barn. He had an automatic in hand and was doing the pray and spray trying to take them down. Renegade and Slinger ran after him while Knuckles went after the one with the keys.

  Bullets whizzed past their heads but it didn’t slow them down, they kept running. Renegade caught one in the gut but kept going. By the time they made the barn he had another hole in his shoulder and Slinger had one in his hip. Thankfully the tampons they carried would slow the blood loss immensely. They were a stock item, one not to be caught without.

  Renegade found Briefcase hiding behind some hay bales and put his forty caliber between his eyes. “Where’s the key you greasy spic?”

  Briefcase just smiled up at him, right before his brain exited his skull. The spray hit both Slinger and Renegade, covering them in blood and bits of flesh and brain matter. This wasn’t the first time and they knew it wouldn’t be the last but now they needed to get the briefcase and burn the evidence including their clothes. “Got that knife with the bone saw?” He asked Slinger.

  The wounded two limped back with a bloody briefcase to see the van riddled with bullet holes and a puddle of fluids in the dirt under it. It wasn’t going anywhere and they needed to bring the salvageable merchandise home. Slinger knew Smoke was going to boil over about this one so he made a suggestion.

  “I know a guy that has a motorhome and he owes me, should I call?”

  Knuckles nodded and sighed.

  The Winnebago arrived and Slinger dealt with the owner while the others loaded what was left of the guns into the cargo space in the rear. Renegade found a couch inside the vehicle, sliding down and doing his best not to let them see how much pain he was in. Normally being shot would warrant a trip to the vet, but Smoke had his very own doctor so he would just have to suck it up for the next six hours. He definitely could use a drink or three.